With more and more people showing interest in blogging and almost 4 million blog posts being written every day (and counting), the requirement of more functional and customizable blogging platform is also increasing. The needs of these millions of bloggers have increased so much so that even the leading, influential and effective platforms of present times are unable to satiate all the customized needs of the bloggers. This is where alternative blogging platforms come into play. They cater to all the needs of the bloggers and have tailor made solution for each need with their Unique Selling Proposition that sets them apart from other blogging platforms. Have a look.
Blogger :-
Being one of the oldest blogging platforms available online, Blogger is the first in the list of blogging platforms that you must try. It allows technical heavy lifting and offers the robust security guaranteed by Google itself. A perfect blogging platform for the not so tech-savvy generation, and personal bloggers, it even allows free hosting and quick customization of themes and much more.
USP: Google runs this blogging platforms and all you need is a simple Gmail account to log in to this amazing blogging platform.
Garry Tan, the co-founder of Posterous, created this minimalistic blogging platform post the shutdown of Posterous. Twitter acquired Posterous and shut it down in a short time, people using the platform were left in deep mistrust, to fill the gap in people's blogging lifestyle, Garry came up with Posthaven that, unlike its predecessor, would never be shut down.
USP: The best feature of this blogging platform is not just its minimal design but the fact that it allows you to publish your content via email as well.
Tumblr :-
A new blogging platform to fulfill the growing needs of the social media savvy generation, Tumblr is a microblogging site with a number of features resembling the top social media sites. While the simple site of Tumblr makes blogging experience easy, the social undercurrent offering reblogging, built-in sharing and following makes it more engaging and interesting. Using the mobile app of Tumblr, you can easily post your blogs from anywhere and anytime.
USP: This blogging platform is perfect for the microbloggers and it even allows one to post pictures, quotes, GIFs and much more.
Medium is one of the best blogging platforms for those who want to easily connect with a niche audience. It allows you to join a number of communities like the writers community, journalists community, bloggers community etc., on the platform to share your thoughts and get a jumpstart for your blog. It is a free and open source blogging platform that does not consume your time in long setup and coding processes.
USP: It is the perfect platform for those who want to make their presence felt seriously in a professional community of experts.
Wix is one of the most loved blogging platforms for those who want to create a uniquely designed website without the use of any type of coding skills. It offers over 500 expert-designed templates that let you create amazing designs and intriguing sites. Making an account on Wix does not cost even a single penny; however, it offers free goodies like 55MB storage and 1GB bandwidth.
USP: It is the only hosted blogging platform that allows you to build a website using drag and drop tools in HTML5.
With Squarespace, you can create a website that looks like you've invested a lot of money and energy on the site. It pays unwavering attention to the layout and design to help you get a website that is responsive, polished and a treat for the eye. You can even tweak your design as much as you like without making even the slightest change to your code. You can customize everything on your website like the sidebar, the color, spacing and even the font of the site.
USP: You can also dig a bit deep to create scrolling layouts using the unique Cover Pages Tool that it offers and keep your reader engaged.
If you are a fan of WordPress, you must certainly have heard about Joomla. This content management system is a self-hosted solution that lets you create a website provided you have a domain name and a web hosting for its effective use. The positive part of Joomla is that it lets you create, design and customize any and every type of website. There are hundreds of templates available that can be very helpful in site creation. Moreover, Joomla, like WordPress has a number of extensions that make your work quick and easy.
USP: The Ajax search Function and the Multi Language Manager sets Joomla aside from any other blogging platform.
These are the top 7 alternative blogging platforms that you can use for successful creation of a website. However, do not limit your experience to these 7 sites; you can explore a number of more like Ghost, Weebly, Svbtle, Postagon, and Silvrback etc., to create an extraordinary website that would keep your readers engaged for a long time.
2 thoughts on "Top 7 Alternative Blogging Platforms"
03 November, 2023 at 4:09 pm
Great work! Keep the awesome content coming!
26 June, 2017 at 4:28 pm
Really an awesome alternative tool list for blogging. but whenever we talk regarding seo, the First choice will be the WordPress and most recommended CMS platform.