The latest update to the Google Panda (ver. 3.3), is a major tweak in the algorithm that is adopted by Google to rank the websites on its search page. Prior to the modifications in Panda, those websites, which were keyword rich only, got the top slot irrespective of the quality of the content. And the websites, which incorporated informative, but keyword poor content saw a decline in their ratings on the Google search page.
With the updated version of Google Panda, a new hope has been born in the hearts of those websites that do not deploy SEO campaigns costing an arm and a leg.
Small-time websites, which provide quality and user-friendly content, will now witness a sudden surge in their page ratings. And the glittery websites that have surplus keywords and advertisements teamed with sloppy and unauthentic content will have to pay a huge price if they do not develop content instrumental for the users.
Localized Business will Enjoy
Google Panda 3.3 will be equipped with features, which will give user the results of their search query as per their location. Suppose, you are in Delhi and want to know about famous hotels, then automatically, Google will display the best hotel in your area, i.e. Delhi. This modification in Google Panda will prove to be highly salubrious for the local business.
Image Needs to have Informative Alt Tags
The images present in your website will need to have informative and descriptive tags. Panda 3.3 will keep an eye on the alternative texts used with the images. Any content, used as an alt text to the image, but is failing to explain the image will result in decline of the website rank on Google.
Number of Links Exchanged On the Website Should be Taken Care of Panda
will keep a track on the number of links that you will exchange in your website. If the entire page is flooded with links, then it would account to page spamming. Hence, avoid sharing several links on a single page. We will end by stating that with the application of Panda 3.3, we'd witness the practical practice of the principles of White Hat SEO.