The most popular Logos have the simplest of designs and color schemes. Effort should be put in conceptualizing a design which can represent the business and can stand out among the competition. However, in attempting to Design A Logo, the complexity of the design often increases. Most of the designing troubles occur due to a complex design.
Some of the most commonly made Logo Design Mistakes are as follows :
- Not Feasible For All Uses : It is important to consider the feasibility of the design in all its usages. Some designs which may be perfect for a particular use may not be workable for others. For example, a logo which has lots of characters and symbols may become illegible if its size is decreased. Sometimes, the Logo does not seem appropriate in all areas of its usage. Care has to be taken to ensure that the Logo Design fits all the areas where it will be used and is legible in all the sizes.
- Template Designs : Common methods like clip art and stock art should not be employed to design the Logo as they are easily recognizable and would cost the projection of the brand's uniqueness. Logos demand a uniqueness which can correspond to the nature of the business. Most ready-made letter fonts and styling types are inadequate in doing proper justice to this role. Thus, individualized and Interesting Logo Designs should always be used.
- Amateur Designs : Shapes and figures have a tendency of assuming different forms for different viewers. This can give rise to disastrous situations where the brand name of the business will suffer. This often happens when professional help is not taken in order to cut on the expenses of Logo Designing.
- Color : Most Logo Designers happily use designs with complex color schemes as the driving agent of the Logo. The stupidity of the act is realized when the need to print the Logo in black and white arises.
Simple designs have the advantage of being suitable in any background, any shape and even without the colors. This is the reason why most of the popular Logos which have survived the ages are simple in design. This can be easily done with a Professional Logo Designing Company that can give the right results due to its expertise that lets it understand the business-specific needs.
1 thoughts on "Common Logo Design Mistakes To Be Avoided"
Logo Design Ideas
22 November, 2012 at 6:03 am
Points you have considered in the post are great. If one looking to make a custom logo for his business by himself, must read the considerable point to make a great custom logo. Thanks for sharing.